MODULE: Lexicon

Methods [Exported]

doctest(modname::Module) Run code blocks in the docstrings of the specified module modname.

query(f::Function, sig) Search loaded documentation for methods of generic function f that match sig.

query(f::Function, sig, index) Search loaded documentation for methods of generic function f that match sig.

save(file::AbstractString, index::Lexicon.Index, config::Lexicon.Config) Saves an API-Index to file.

save(file::AbstractString, modulename::Module, config::Lexicon.Config) Write the documentation stored in modulename to the specified file.

Types [Exported]

Lexicon.Config User adjustable Lexicon configuration.

Lexicon.EachEntry Iterator type for Metadata Entries with sorting options.

Macros [Exported]

@query(args...) Create a Query object from the provided args.

Methods [Internal]

calculate_score(query, text, object) Basic text importance scoring.

call(::Type{Lexicon.Config}) Returns a default Config. If any args... are given these will overwrite the defaults.

call(::Type{Lexicon.EachEntry}, docs::Docile.Legacy.Metadata) Constructor.

filter(docs::Docile.Legacy.Metadata) Filter Metadata based on categories or file source.

filter(f::Function, docs::Docile.Legacy.Metadata) Filter Metadata based on a function.

Types [Internal]

Lexicon.Match An entry and the set of all objects that are linked to it.

Lexicon.Query Holds the parsed user query.

Lexicon.QueryResults Stores the matching entries resulting from running a query.

Typealiass [Internal]

Queryable Types that can be queried.